As you scroll down to the Calendar below, you’ll notice when you click on ‘show more’ that it gives you our address and tips to finding our humble home. You’ll then scroll down to see a calendar. The blue circles indicate open days. Click on the circle and choose your time. **Note that schedule blocks are done in 2hr increments. You are more than welcome to stay longer or arrive sooner.** Choose your time block and if you are planning on arriving sooner or staying later, please indicate this in the comment box. You may also let us know if you are planning on coming as a group, bringing a friend, or children, who are always welcome!

Hit the blue ‘BOOK’ button and your time is then submitted. You will receive an email confirmation and will be able to cancel or adjust your day and time as needed.

Let us know how we can assist you in volunteering at HOMH!

Sign up to Volunteer

For more information email, Director Kim Derrick at

“The most important assistance is “loving presence” at the bedside of the dying person… this caring attention gives confidence and Hope to the patient and makes him feel reconciled to death. This is the unique contribution which doctors and nurses(any human), by there being human and Christian – more than by their expertise – can and should make to the dying person, so that rejection becomes acceptance, and anguish gives way to hope.”

The Charter For Healthcare Workers